Grazie: All about thesis

Dear God who always at my side when no one was.

Thank you for every wonderful day you’ve given to me.

Thank you for the knowledge you’ve given to me that really helped me a lot.

Thank you for giving me a lot of reason not to give up.

Thank you for everything.


Dear my teachers who helped us to make this happen.

Thank you for being our pannelist and our grammarian

Thank you for being honest without discouraging us

Thank you for making us so nervous during the defense

Thank you for everything.


Dear to my co-researchers who helped me to finish this project

Thank you for letting me lead this thesis

Thank you for understanding me when I procrastinate our thesis

Thank you being at my side when I badly need you

Thank you for everything.


Dear to myself who spend a lot of hard work with this

Thank you for being patient

Thank you for suffering your time of eating and sleeping just to finish it.

Thank you for spending your whole time with this

Thank you for everything.2017-03-22 12.44.24 1.jpg

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